Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekly Workout Update

Due to my busy work schedule I only worked out twice :(  I know it's a excuse but I feel so tired these days.  This week will be better!  I have a 5 K race on Sunday.  I am looking forward to it but I am a little nervous, I just feel like I won't be fast enough. 
Weekly Workout Update
Monday- Dodgeball
Thursday- Jog (4K)
Total Calories Burned:  640
Starting this week I will add a video blog once a week.  Updating on Monthly Challenge, Workouts, Food and my weigh in!  I hope it will add a little something extra to my blog. 
Have a great week!   


  1. Focus on the activities you did do ..... remember positive self talk.. Richard and I plan to cheer you on Sunday..... Mom Q

  2. You will do great at the race. No matter your speed, you will be faster than all the other people sitting at home!

  3. Thanks Mary that means a lot and it turned out okay!

