Sunday, July 29, 2012

Two years ago

It was around this time, two years ago that I lost 50 pounds. It was such a proud moment in my life but I thought by now I would  have lost another 50 pounds but sadly I haven't. Since then I have been struggling to even maintain the 50 pound loss even thought I am trying to lose more.  In  the past couple of months I even gained some back.  

This week I have been super hard on myself especially about my body, life and not losing more weight.  This needs to stop!  It's not getting me anywhere, in fact it's  making me depressed and feel horrible about myself.     I think it's time I think about all the good things that have happened in the past 2 years and eight months since I have started this weight loss journey.

1.  I have kept off the majority of weight.  Currently 35 pounds down

2.  Went on two trips down south Mexico/Dominican Republic and both times I didn't have a problem with the seat belt ( I would have if I didn't lose the 50 pounds)

3. I have ran 2 (5km)  and 1 (2km)

4. Went back to school for Personal Support Worker and had excellent grades while working full time at the restaurant.

5. I have been going to the gym consistently for over two years (between 2 to 5 times a week)  It's a lifestyle now.

6.  Tried over 10 different  work out classes at the gym including :  Body Pump, Body Flow, Step Class, Spin, Body Compact, Body Attack, Body Vive, Skip it, Zumba, Body Jam and New Body

7. I haven't given up even if the numbers haven't changed much on the scale.

8. Lost over 40 inches

9. I am able to do 20 half push up.  I couldn't even do one before!

10.  The majority of the time I eat healthy!

I realized sometimes I strive for perfection which really doesn't exist and I am problaby not alone in this.   Some weeks we are going to be super hard on ourselves and think why aren't we further in life?  Why haven't I lost more weight?   What's wrong with me?   But maybe, just maybe this is where we are suppose to be right now and if we are patient enough and work hard enough we will get where we need to be.   

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, self-talk! Keep it up! I know I'm proud of you , you've been inspiration to do restorative yoga........ and maybe with a little help I can start my journey with stregth training ..... Love Mom Q.
