Friday, March 1, 2013

March Goals

February is behind us, thank gawd it was a tough month!   March is a new month to start new goals.  Not only is it my birthday month but it is the start of spring and longer days, yahoo!  Jump for joy!  Can you tell I am excited for summer???   
 I was looking at pinterest a couple of weeks ago and I stumbled across my next fitness challenge:
It should be an interesting challenge seems easy at first but once you get to the end of the month Yikes!!
Since I have a 5K race at the end of May.  I will be starting a jogging program in March  (I also found this on pinterest)  
As for my eating plan I am still trying to figure it out but I have decided not to eat after 11pm for the month of March.    It may sound late to you but most days I don't even finish work till 1am.   
p.s   I was able to conquer the 1000 push-ups challenge and what awesome feeling it was to complete. 
What are your goals for the month of March?    


  1. I plan on staring the couch to 5k. My sister and I are doing a color run 5k in July. What is your Pinterest name, I would like to follow your exercise board.

    1. My pinterest joyski14... Let me know what your is? Thanks for reading :)

  2. I read the following and I thought of you. My Dr. Hyman recommended make a list with two columns. In one column list all the things that gives you energy. In the second column list all the things that drain your energy. Each day try to let go of ONE thing that drains your energy and add ONE thing that gives you energy. First column called:MY ENERGY DRAINS Second cloumn called MY ENERGY GAINS ........ex. my energy gets drained when I eat too much sugar, drink to much coffee, not being outside in nature, getting dehydrated(JOY) MY ENERGY GAINS ...when I walk in nature, do my restorative yogo , eat my shake for breakfast ........yipee for Spring,sun , and great exercise board .....MOM Q.

  3. My dear little "Health Warrior" Have a happy and calm day! Love Mom Q.....

  4. I'm going to follow you on pintrest (I'm kickingkilos)
    I wish you good luck for the month! :))

  5. Thanks z and I will add you as well
