Thursday, December 29, 2011

Weight in Day!

Lost a pound this week.  Down 7.5 pounds for the month of December.  I am pretty proud of that.  I also did 18 days of no starchy carbs and no sugar.  It is always great to complete a goal!  

 Christmas was a bit different this year with no sweets involved. It's a first to have no belly aches.  

 I enjoyed my  workout today and I am going to try to go as much as possible this week  since work is pretty slow.  

I feel in the groove of things now and I am realizing sugar is not my friend.   Dec 6 2011 was the last day I had a chocolate bar, pizza, chips, donuts, cookies these are my trigger foods.  I am going to continue being abstinence from these food.   I do have sugar-free food like jello and whipped cream but it doesn't seem to effect me .   I also am going to stick to, two to three starchy carbs a day.  Rice, rice crackers, sweet potato's and occasional fresh whole wheat bread with no preservatives will be my choices. 

In the new year there will be a lot of milestones to accomplish.   There is also a few that will happen around the same time because they are similar.    Next goal to achieve is size 14 pants.  While researching the tri-tri  I discovered  sign up date is at the end of January.    Bring your Pom Poms I will need some cheer leaders.   January will also be the month to start training for the 10km.   It is a big goal to finish it an hour here's hoping I can do it!!!

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