Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monthly Weight in and Patience

I am happy to report that I have lost 4.7 pounds this month!   Considering the past month and half I think it's great! 
For the past month I've been dealing with some things that have taken a toll on my patience from having a cold for over two weeks, my anxiety going through the roof, spraining my ankle, waiting over three weeks for my cell phone to be fixed and taking sometime away from a long life friend.  
At first when all these things happened to me I cried and asked why me?   What am I doing wrong?   
I have a plan to pay off my debt over the next year and the past ten days of not working has put a damper on this.  It did upset me at first taking the time off.  But if I don't have strong ankles to work then I don't make money.  When I set a plan for myself I hate to deviate from it but sometimes that has to happen.  Life happens and I have no control over it and this is where my patience has been tested. I know you are probably thinking it's only ten days but money is a HUGE stressor for me and this is something I am trying to deal with.     I  am happy that I am  a goal orientated woman but I have to leave space for some wiggle room too.  
Take for example my weight loss.  I try a food plan and if I do not lose weight in the first few weeks I self sabotage and think I just will never  lose the weight!  But if I stick with eating healthy  and working out then eventually the weight will fall off but I am not  patient enough.  I have a lot of motivation and drive but it's the patience that needs practice.   I was looking at my weight over the past year and I am 1.5 heavier then last year but over the course of the year I have gained and lost the same 20 pounds.   
Even though this month was crappy I learned some strong lessons.  Being patient with myself will get me a lot further in life.  Taking time for myself and not rushing to get to the finish line.  If I set a plan, do the work and stay consistent would eventually get there.  
Do you have a hard time with being patient?  What strategies do you use to get through it. 
I am thankful I have  two adorable cats who love to cuddle and make me laugh everyday!  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weekly Workouts and Dangerous Dodgeball

I will start with my workouts last week:

Monday- Dodgeball (60 mins)
Tuesday- Kundalini (60 mins)
Friday-    Cycling (20 mins)
                 Body Flow (60 mins)

Total Calories:  1100 calories

I have been following a new blog Journey of a Dreamer and at the end of each post  she writes something she is thankful for.  I love the idea so starting today, at the end of my posts I will do the same.  I feel like I have been a negative Nancy lately and thought this would be a great way to turn this frown upside down! 

In other news, I was in the emergency room yesterday,  I had an accident at dodgeball.  I was trying to Dodge- the -ball which I successful did but at the same time when I jumped out of the way, when I landed my ankle gave out.   Good news it's not broken.  Bad news the doctor said I can't work for ten days which is sucks because I do not get any sick days or tips.   I will try to go to work earlier because one I need the money and two I am already going stir crazy! I am a little worried if I do go back too early I risk doing more damage.   I will take one day at a time and see what happens.   ahh the life of an athlete.   Since I can't workout for at least  two weeks I will focus on my eating.   At least with all this time off I can catch up on all my blogs and TV shows ;) 
I am thankful for having such a caring and supportive family. 


Thursday, November 15, 2012

How do you???

When you are feeling angry, hurt and left out how do you release the feelings?   Being an overweight person, food would be my number one choice but that only makes me feel better for five minutes then the guilt sets in.  Turning to food is not an option for me anymore that is why I am writing a post here today. I want to find positive outlets to release these feeling and let things go.  I tend to hold on to these types of feelings for far too long instead I want to learn how to deal with them head on.   I am going to for a brisk walk to blow of some steam.
I would love to hear some suggestions on healthy ways to let go of unwanted feelings.  
Thanks for Reading.   

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekly workouts/ Monthly Challenge

Weekly Workout Summary
Monday-   Dodgeball (60 mins.)
Thursday- Walking (60 mins.)
                  Spin Class (60 mins.)
Friday-      Kundalini Yoga (60 mins)
Total of 1700 calories burned
I am starting to feel my body and mind relax after quitting my second job.  I miss my clients but I was way too stressed.  Of course when I started to slow down,  I got sick.  I am slowly getting better after a week of this brutal cold.  
Monthly Challenge hasn't be great but I  still have 17 more days to complete it, here goes nothing! 
Have a great week everyone :)


Monday, November 12, 2012


Last night after working a twelve hour shift of running my butt off to serve people drinks and food.  I started talking to a co-worker and discussing the fact that  I should be skinny with all the running around I do at work plus all the workouts but sadly that is not the case.  
I had to work the next morning so I basically went to bed as soon as I got home but after a busy shift I could not shut my brain off.   I started to think about my weight and how frustrated I have been!  Is it because I am not trying hard enough?  or  Because  I really don't  want to lose weight?    Am I not on the right program?  Do I not workout enough?   Then my thinking started to change and I asked myself why do I want to lose weight?    To be honest I didn't have a quick answer.   Yes I want to lose weight to be healthy and look better but I felt like something was missing from my answer.   I have been lucky in my life that my weight has not affect making friends, getting  jobs or having a long term boyfriend sometimes these are reasons why people want to lose weight. 
So what is my reason for losing weight????   I want to lose weight so when I look in a full lenght mirror I am proud of what I see.  It might sound vain but it is the truth.  I want to get to my goal weight so I can help motivate and inspire others.  I want to be a be able to say " if I can do it you can do it too!" 
I want this to be me some day looking happy in the mirror
 What is stopping me from reaching my lifetime goal???   I started to search the web and came upon an article titled " Why Do You Say You Want to Lose Weight But Then Don’t Do It" Losing weight I read through the list and the one that held true to me was Fear!   If you have been reading my blog for awhile you know I suffer from a panic disorder which is based on fear.   I think I am afraid of people treating me different when I do get to my goal weight.  I really think I should be treated the same no matter what weight I am but realistically that is not true.  I noticed when I lost my first 50 pounds all the attention I was getting which was great at first but then made me think what was wrong with me before???     This is something I will have to work through but becoming aware of it is the first step right? 
What are your reasons for losing weight? 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Without a Cellphone! Am I in the dark ages???

I just wanted to share my day nothing unusual happened or very exciting but it was still a great day off.   I met with my friend during the day she made me lunch and we had a few hours to catch up on our lives.  We went out for a long walk (that is the only way her baby will nap) it was nice to be outside with nature on a sunny fall day.    Afterwards I had some errands to run and treated myself to a manicure and then met up with my cousin at the gym to do a Spin Class.  We both haven't been to a spin class in months and we were both dying/hurting/sweating  but it was worth it.  It's funny every time we take a class the instructor always draws attention to us, it's probably because we talk a lot and we are interesting to talk to right???   who knows??  but it never happens with my other friends..  Maybe it's a family thing?  lol
I am missing my cellphone  :(    I have another two to three weeks without it. It's in the shop.  It's kind of sad how attach we get to "things" but this thing is not only my phone, it's my alarm clock,  my watch, my calender, it keeps me connected to Facebook, my calculator, my GPS and so much more to organize my life.  
Am I the only one so attached???  It's giving me a headache just thinking about it lol
Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Monthly Challenge Update

Last month I decided to  challenge myself to no fast food.   I did 24 days out 31.  That works out to be 77%  it could have be better but I am happy with what I did and it made me realize how much I do eat out.   I also made a conscious effort to keep snacks in my purse so I wouldn't be tempted to eat out.  The ab challenge  was also on my list for October but I decided to focus on doing one challenge a month otherwise I get too stressed.  And this is suppose to be fun right?  
I am super proud of Rob  he didn't eat fast food at all this month! I love how supportive he is, It makes me love him that much more! 
For November's challenge I searched the web to find something different and I found this on Sparkpeople.com.  If you haven't checked out this website it's a great tool and it's free! 
Here's the challenge, wish me luck!

500 push ups - it's like doing 17 push ups a day, etc.

1000 crunches - it's like doing 34 crunches a day

60 min. of planks - it's like doing 1-2min. plank a day

500 squats - it's like doing 17 squats a day

500 lunges - it's like doing 17 lunges a day, per leg.
Sorry for my last post I was a little up and down.  I am not giving up on my health it just gets a little bumpy along the way.   My main focus is to get enough sunlight (fake or real)  and exercise everyday even if it's just a walk around the block. 
Anyone what to join me in this challenge?? 
Thanks for reading